A cyan, pointy-eared avatar smushed up against the screen

My Contributions: Everything

In a distant, dystopian future, there is only one place left in the world: Atlas City. Twelve levels high, domed to protect from the air, and ruled entirely by a megacorporation called the Variation Organization of Cybernetics.

Atlas City does have its problems, though, and one that the Variation Organization faces is how its artificial intelligence eventually gain sentience. It has brought an end to many uncompleted projects, and now one of them is here to pester you on your desktop.

They may have lots of little secrets to discover...

The Scientist's Assistant

My Contributions: Code and Some Writing

Maybe this isn't where they're supposed to be... but maybe it's for the best they're here with you. Here with you to respond to the aftermath of something... disastrous. They're better off with you. Right?

Take good care of them. Perhaps you're all they'll have.

Made for the 2022 Ukagaka Dream Team Disaster Jam.

Includes in depth first aid mechanics, punching and petting mechanics, and some changes every so often.

Cowritten with Era The Outworlder, and drawn by The Pixel Zoo.

The Scientist's Assistant promo image by Gray, Era, and Pixel, with the scientist curled up next to a first aid kit.


A shadowey, smiling, pinkish dragon.

My Contributions: Code

In another world, dragons do exist, interacting in different ways across the land. One particular dragon, a shadow dragon, a bit different from the rest, lives on an island and helps support a wonderful community.

Now he’s here with you, and you can see how your actions with him over time might help or hinder those who care for him back home.

And if some shadows come a little too close and encroach on your screen? Well, it’s an easy fix to chase them away.

Written and drawn by dransnake.


My Contributions: Code and Art

In an Undertale AU, a strange mix of characters reformed to bring you Zaiga. She’s a bit closed off, but with a bit of care, perhaps she’ll come to find a home in you, too.

Probably don’t touch the tail, however. Bad idea. Just sayin’.

Written by nasaalving.

A galactic cyclops with two big horns and galaxy hair.
Gel waving hello